Calling All Dreamers



I have recorded my dreams for the last 61 days in a row. It is January 30, 2015.

I have recalled every day in December 2014, plus the first month of 2015. I originally wanted to get just the first month to see how many I could catch. I got more than I asked for. So now I’m looking to get 110 days straight just to see what happens, what kind of patterns open up, what I can uncover. I will use as much discretion as necessary to guard my family and friends in the interpretations, scenes, situations and privacy; yet I will lay it out for this audience as clearly as possible. But I need your help.

In evaluating these dreams I will be putting my personal life situation on display. I know what dreams can reveal and what is going on in my life from an objective point of view, but to subjectively look at the symbolic aspects of these will open new doors that I need to open but until now have kept closed. So I want you, YOU, Your Own Universe to ask questions, give insights, ideas, feedback on what you see in what I’m reflecting through these evaluations.

I started this process a few years ago and titled it “1100 Dreams in 110 Days.” I never got them all down and aborted it too soon to even get 100 dreams. I feel that was reaching too high, but what I’m seeing is the same cycle reappearing in my ability to recall, remember and record them. My clarity is better, details fuller, numbers greater, insights clearer.

In doing this, I’ll be able to help others, YOU,  to work through your dreams. I’ll give you tips on methods for recording, books for evaluations, references from Jung’s The Red Book, as well as the things I’m finding in working on my own life. I will often use mandalas as Jung did, to add initial symbolism. But I will not be drawing them myself, as he did.



The first dream is December 1, 2014 The green is the interpretation, the white, the dream. The green highlighted words are my symbols. The italicized text, the insights from “I HAD THE STRANGEST DREAM…The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century.” by Kelly Sullivan Walden; and the personal interpretation, my own evaluations. I am posting in segments, so if you come back you will see additional information that may have not been there previously.


I am with K. in the hallway of a swimming pool area. There are other people in the hallway but we’re getting our clothes and other things together. I am ready to leave but K. makes me realize I have nothing out of my inside locker.

hallway: Dreams of a hallway signify that you are on the verge of stepping into a whole new space, because the hallway is the transition place between where you’ve been and where you are going. You are preparing for change, gearing up for a life-altering occurrence. 

I have recently been working on publishing my works, that I’ve kept for years, unpublished. In December I published my third book in 3 months time. This is definitely a turning point, away from fear and keeping things hidden. 

swimming: Dreams of swimming symbolize an ability to meet your emotional needs and your unconscious desires. You are navigating through your feelings, exploring your soulful depths, reveling in your sexuality, and /or daring to understand the mysteries of your feminine side. 

If feminine side has to do with emotions, then yes, I am getting more in touch with them. Obviously, it’s been a great desire to do the work I was meant to do as a writer, and at 58, it’s time I began.

pool: Dreams of a pool represent your depth; your inner pool of wisdom. If you are taking a swim in a pool, then you are allowing yourself to be immersed in your fantasy world, intuition, and spiritual and sensual essences. 

I feel I have a great depth of wisdom from my many, many experiences and life situations. I feel by writing I am diving into those depths; but from the hallway, just preparing for the jump. I have to get my things in order first, my manuscripts, my vehicles for distribution. I’ve lived in this fantasy, I know its power, but have been reluctant to share with an audience. Perhaps this dream journal will be my baptism. 

clothes: The clothes you wear in your dream are always a statement about your feelings, attitudes, and position in life. 

I did not see my clothes, only that I had to gather them up; which says I have many personas as a writer and what I’ll be wearing will be determined by who and what I desire to project that day.

locker: Dreams of a lock, a locked box, a locker, a locked door, or a locked treasure chest symbolize both virginity and a real or imagined need for secrecy and privacy. 

It’s funny, but when I looked for an image for this post, I was looking at “boxes of treasures”; only to end up with the mandala, which is an opening rather than a closed secret. I chose this one specifically for it being black and white. It’s up to me to add the color. My locker happens to be my years of notebooks, journals, stories, poems, fantasies, erotica, screenplays, all the things I’ve written but have not put out to the universe. The fact that I’m getting things from my locker, rather than putting them away, means that I’m ready to open those treasures, to get them out of hiding. Like clothes, the stories are the things I’ve worn as a cover-up, all my life.

I go in to get my stuff. I thought we were the last session for the evening but then I see a new group come in for another swim session.

evening/night: If you dream of nighttime, then your unconscious desires and the shadow aspects of your life are expressing and revealing themselves. 

This is when I, and I presume most writers, get their best work done, when it is quiet and dark. It is also my last chance, my last career, the evening of my life; though I didn’t respect myself enough, or have enough confidence in myself to pursue when I started out, I can still swim in the pool of life. I ain’t dead yet!

group: Dreams of a group denote a power and energy that is much stronger than that of an individual. If you are part of a group, you will feel strengthened, empowered, and supported.  

That’s why I’m calling on you, dear readers; you are my group, the incoming new session, to witness, support, celebrate, embrace and enjoy the ride with me. My audience, my peers, my colleagues, my fellow authors, dreamers, believers – the strength of my pursuits rely on the strength of my tribe. YOU. Your Own Universe. Welcome to my world of dreams. 

A young mother helps her crippled son get dressed. She is pulling on the counter for leverage. She is blonde and thin. I walk right past her to my locker.

mother: In general, dreams of a mother, or of your mother, are about unconditional love, spirit, life, protection, nurturing or the lack thereof. Consider if you feel that your most tender feelings are being taken care of and nurtured adequately. 

My mother was probably the number one influence in my love of writing, reading, books, stories, movies, and dressing correctly. She made me feel special about all these things. She made a big thing of my appearance and when I looked my best, made me feel even better by proclaiming loudly how handsome I was. Her handwriting was beautiful, artistic, treasured. That she was blond and thin, portrays me as a young boy, blond and thin. I feel she is with me in knowing that I should have been writing all along. My wife is my present, greatest supporter. 

crippled: Dreams of being crippled or seeing someone who is crippled signify injured emotions, and that you are relating to yourself as your wounds, as opposed relating to yourself as a whole and complete being. Perhaps you are suppressing your self-expression and feeling a sense of diminished self-worth. Consider the area of the body that you dreamed was crippled. …If you dream that you don’t have legs, then the dream reflects that you don’t have a leg to stand on, that you are releasing your feeling of powerlessness and insecurity. 

Wow, this is big. I’ve always seen my legs as my weakness. As a bodybuilder, my knock-knees are ugly, atrocious, the reason I will not, to this day, wear shorts. I was teased endlessly about them as a boy, despite being strong and fast and an agile athlete of every sport. I was, “grasshopper knees… Knute-Knock-Knee…cow’s knees, …4 knees …” My legs were legs only a mother could love. She feared I would have polio, as my cousin did, born in the same year; and I was always reminded of that, “you could have had polio! You’re lucky!” Maybe it’s time to just get over it. It’s symbolic of my “legs”, my ability to move through life, and I’m crippled by not honoring my vocation, my calling, and still trying to change heredity by working out as hard as I did as a teen to try to change them. So I feel it’s right on with not feeling whole.

son: A dream of a son might also represent the “young boy/man” archetype within you, vulnerability, bravado, and an “I don’t care” attitude that masks insecurity. 

This whole mother/crippled son scenario may be the Peter Pan syndrome, of not wanting to grow up, be an author, writer, publisher, learning what it takes to be all these things so I can be in charge of my life, as I’m supposed to be. To stand on my own. I’ve always felt taken care of, like every job, every employer was crucial to my welfare; rather than being able to provide for myself and my family without an outside dependence, therefore always feeling insecure. I tiptoed around everyone, not stating my mind, afraid to be reprimanded or outcast for an opinion that wasn’t patronizing to my superiors, and even my wife; of being the good boy, the obedient, listening child, safe in the comfort of someone else’s care. Always editing my thoughts, my writing, my ideas so as to not rock the boat. But as a result, sacrificing authenticity. 

dressed/dressing: Dreams of dressing signify that you are suiting up and showing up in life, preparing to present yourself in a way that represents the image you show to the world. You are covering up your nakedness and authentivcitywith a socially acceptable exterior. If you dream of getting “dressed up,” then you are preparing yourself energetically to make an impression.

Though it’s not me getting dressed, the boy is being prepared to go outside. What a woman is doing in the men’s locker room, never occurred to me, but I feel it’s definitely my feminine side saying it’s time to suit up, drop the facade, deal with your emotions, hurts, limitations, and get going. The counter for leverage is all the things I’ve shelved all these years. My content is my treasure. I’ve got something to lean on, to support me, despite feeling crippled. And I have love.

blond/Blond Hair: Dreams of blond or fair-colored hair symbolize naïveté, innocence, youth, being an “air head” or angelic. They may be suggesting that it is time for a change. Don’t take things so seriously and have some fun.

Yes, time for a change. I am in the youth of a new career, and I can relax and not worry about its outcome by not attaching so much weight to it. I knew as a child, that little, thin blond kid, that I wanted to be a writer, a poet, someone who entertains with my wit, wisdom and ability to tell a story. I loved to make people laugh, to entertain with song and dance; and yet I’ve lived my whole life to this point, hiding my light under a basket.

I put my stuff on the counter and see someone has left me a large Hershey chocolate bar, but it’s broken in half with the paper gone. I feel Dr. has left it for me. There is also an electronics article by it, a radio perhaps.

chocolate: Dreams of chocolate symbolize a reward for good work and possibly a substitute or metaphor for love. Something sweet is coming your way.

This doctor was a former client of mine and just recently said she missed our training sessions, that she was with another trainer and missed me; out of the blue. I don’t know if it was before or after this dream. Chocolate is also one of my favorite vices, dark, daily. The fact that it’s good for me and coming from a Dr. means what I’m doing is right, beneficial, for the good of the people. I also get and give a certain love to my clients, because I’m genuinely concerned with their welfare. The fact that it’s uncovered tells me it’s time to uncover my own goodness, to bare my sweetness. 

broken: Dreams of something being broken signify that you are feeling fragile and vulnerable, and that you are at the end of a cycle. Keep in mind that the places within you that have been broken, when repaired, become the places of your greatest strength and wisdom. 

Yes, I am fragile, vulnerable, open, like all writers who expose themselves by baring their souls. But it’s about time. By finding this, admitting it, and moving beyond it will make me stronger. My heart has been brutally hurt, many times over. My pride, my esteem, my beliefs, my dignity, have all been broken more than once; and this is the material in which I can build my career as a writer, upon these broken experiences and their lessons. 

doctor: Dreams of a doctor represent your intuition, wisdom, and the aspect of yourself that diagnoses your ailments, makes you better, puts on an emotional band-aid, and gives you the medicine you need. 

It’s as simple as a chocolate kiss, everything will be better. “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down…” Thanks Doc. 

radio: Dreams of a radio symbolize your mind’ s ability to transmit thoughts, ideas, and information beyond your five senses. They could be giving you a sense of the wavelength, thought, feeling and vibration on which you’ve been resonating. 

As I began this post, I had not looked at any of the meanings, nor examined the dreams at any length other than to record them. I am amazed at what this initial dream has wrought. I am blown away actually. I know I am on the right path, I felt my intuition knew this project would be huge, but fun, entertaining to others, insightful, helpful and most of all, beneficial to me on a level I’d never expected. This radio confirms that I have a message/messages, that must go out, be heard, seen, read, shared. The time is prime for me to make this change in my life. I have this invisible support network and now I’m sending out this signal to everyone that I want to be heard, to help, to share and assist to the best of my ability, with the tools and talents I’ve  been given. 

I am not soliciting any services. It costs nothing to join in these discussions, to ask questions, to compare notes, to ask for support, insights and directions. I am looking for DREAMERS, people who look to their nightly interludes for the answers to who, what and how they should be.


DREAM Monday March 2, 2009

This dream seemed to choose me. Tell me what you think and give me your own feedback and interpretation. The green represents my symbols, the purple, the initial evaluations. Enjoy!

I’m in an office setting where I go into a big room and have to find myself a desk. The second time I go into the room someone has taken my desk and I’m looking around for one.

EV: making plans, drawing distinctions. It’s funny to see I had to write “home” as my location. I have been gone for 2 years.I first met with the people from World Gym, knowing I had to create a space for myself, a purpose; and close a sale. I went for a second, and then a third meeting, each time the stakes were raised, the questions more difficult; and the necessity for the position I proposed looking slimmer.

I see a tall oriental girl in white thigh-hi’s, very appealing, who glances over at me and then continues her strut through the room. She is very tall and beautiful and I’m thinking of how I’ll like to work here.

This may be the appeal of an exotic, bold, sexy move, taking my chances by putting it all on the line, showing what I’ve got but feeling out of place, yet confident. I tantalize them with my knowledge, sex appeal, plans and projections, yet it is as equally appealing to me. I’m fantasizing about being in a sexy, provocative place. (I should have known I’d never beat Miami.) PBdesk

I want a desk with drawers but all that’s left are drafting tables. I feel it’s ok but I’d rather have one against the wall; but when I see the girl I don’t mind where I’ll be. I hold a stack of books and magazines. Then I see my college buddy, “Motown”.

I see pictures on the walls of other workers and feel it will be a cool place to work. I think it’s a sales job.

I’m left with what’s left. Back to drafting. I must keep designing and clarifying what I’d like to transpire. I have no definitive plan so I must settle. I’m going into it arrogantly, but humility soon kicks in; I’ll take what I can get as long as the view is good. 

The magazines and books are my content, my knowledge, my portfolio, my clout. All of a sudden I’m back in Motown, Detroit, my hometown, as a new graduate in the school of life. The prodigal son has returned and has much to teach, yet much to learn. I’m here with my past, my partners, athletes, posers; but it’s me happy in the fact that I’m going back to something and someone I love and who loves me. 

(from the Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century – Kelly Sullivan Walden 2006, Warner Books)

OFFICE: Dreams of an office are usually processing dreams about organizing the data that you have accumulated during your nine-to-five experience.

DESK: A dream in which there is a desk signifies discipline, authority, and your dedication to your career, and/or that you are processing data that took place at work.

ORIENT: Dreams of the Orient signify that you have an emotionally cool exterior, restricted expression, and disciplined behavior.

GIRL: Dreams of a girl represent your connection to the youthful, feminine, innocent, impetuous, playful, and vulnerable aspect of you.

WHITE: Dreams of the color white symbolize innocence, surrender, peace, and protection.

THIGH: Dreams of a thigh signify the strength to stand up for yourself, and that you have the will to support and honor yourself. They signify your power and ability to walk away from what you don’t want and/or to walk toward your heart’s desires.

STOCKINGS: Because stockings are worn on your legs, dreams of wearing stocking signify that you are gathering your strength and support as you prepare to take a stand for yourself and move forward in life. If you dream of fancy or sexy stockings, then you have a desire for attention and validation of your sexiness and feminine appeal.

BEAUTY: Dreams of beauty represent creativity, passion, appreciation, and affinity.

DRAWER: Dreaming of a drawer represents a space within you that is not normally in view, your secret, sacred world, and perhaps a virginal aspect of you. Dreaming of a drawer may be informing you to integrate the contents of the drawer into your outward personality.

BOOKS: Dreams of a book symbolize the letter of the aw, your worldview, inherited wisdom, and/or memories. A book represents a belief system, a point of view that you believe in, rebel against, and/or throw at someone.

MAGAZINES: Dreams of a magazine signify education, voyeurism, sensationalism, and that you may be putting someone on a pedestal.

COLLEGE: Dreams of college represent that you are learning and developing a degree of recognition and authority. You are realizing that in the school of life you are turning your challenges and lessons into blessings.

PICTURES/PHOTOGRAPHS: Dreams of a photograph symbolize a significant memory or person from your past, or your desire to remember an important occurrence or life lesson. (There were many of the employees, and I would like to be one of them.)

WALLS: Dreaming about a wall represents strength, reliability, support, and the people and beliefs that uphold your life.

SALESPERSON: Depending upon the feeling tone of the dream and the circumstances surrounding the salesperson, dreaming bout  a salesperson can be either about your desire for self-promotion and expression, or your desire to be war y of your own opportunistic tendencies.

MOTOWN: (my own interpretation) The Motor City was where I was born and raised and still live. Despite the crumbling of its core, it is still home to me, where I’d learned all my street smarts and the lessons necessary to live. The motor also signifies to me the part of the machine that powers the vehicle. My power comes from this home, the place where I’m loved and taken for what I am. The person, “Mo” was instrumental in my formative years at college, where my first transitions occurred toward manhood. He was a catalyst and an inspiration. 

This was a very critical time in my life. I was abandoning a job that paid well but abused and took advantage of me. It nearly destroyed my character; but was still one of the greatest experiences of my life. I just could not take it any longer and missed my family, especially my sons who were each at their own stages of development; and my wife who had to hold us all together. I had given everything up in order to take this position, leaving nothing to come back to except “the drawing board” of recreating my career from scratch at 52 years old. It did turn out to be a “sales job” for both them and I. 



journalI took the key words from the dream and started there by looking up a plausible meaning in my favorite dream book, “I had the strangest dream… The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century by Kelly Sullivan Walden. This is my go-to book for quick reference on dreams. She seems to have a knack for finding the right explanation, or something close enough to be able to apply to my dream journals. I apologize for taking these entries straight out of her manual, but I know of no other way to reference them clearly.

These are the words I circled:

  1. Monkey
  2. Movie
  3. Army
  4. White
  5. Jar
  6. Comedy

These were the ones listed and seemed most prominent from my journal. This is what she said about each item;

  • Monkey – playfulness, mischief and freedom. The Hindu god Hanuman is said to be immortal and the link between humans and God. Dreams of a monkey as well can symbolize the freedom that leads to divine vision. A monkey can also represent frivolity, impulsivity, monkey business, goofing around, and that you are not taking life seriously. 

I have been in an unemployed state for over two years now. I seem to not take this situation as seriously as I should. I am “monkeying around” with my future, living in a make-believe world where it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and that someone is D, who’s put up with more than enough of empty promises and pipe dreams. I am in my mid-50’s, with no security, no insurance, no sense of stability other than my writing and backlog of work I’d produced over the last 35 years.

  • Movie – gaining objectivity about your life, the script and the roles that you play. It can also represent a desire for glamour and recognition. 

I have always craved recognition, since I was a child. I want to be noticed, rewarded, and respected for the things I’ve created and done with my life in the service of God and my neighbors; and without sounding righteous, I have given much of myself to clients and bosses to the extent that my own self-esteem, pride and dignity have been shattered. Every place I’ve worked, every person I associate with, seem to hold an invisible tether over my head, so I end up ass-kissing because my meal ticket depends on my ability to be a pawn to whomever holds the money. I am not poor, just perpetually broke; and now broken. This may be the “Woody” aspect of being a gopher, trodden on by everyone including myself. 

  • Army – you are preparing for an attack or that that you are feeling a threat to your survival or well being. 

Got that right. Like I stated above, all I have in my corner is love. I am grateful, but there’s more monkeys than I can handle and they keep coming at me in increasing numbers. My wife, sons, family believe in me, but everyone is exasperated in faith at this point in my life.

  • White – symbolize innocence, surrender, peace and protection. Spirit awareness, enlightenment chakra

This is the light I keep burning, this belief, this faith, this vigil that there is light at the end of this eternal tunnel. I am spiritually grounded, innocent to the point of naivete, and surrendered to all an artist can give in his own beliefs, lies, and tomfoolery. I have the faith to keep trying many different avenues, but all seem to end in a blank slate.

  • Jar – feeling contained, bottled up, unable to express yourself. Perhaps you are preserving your feeling until the time is right. 

Right again. I feel trapped, only by my consequences, not my opportunities or talents. I really do believe in my craft and my works, but I’ve been shot down in so many other avenues of life, so constantly working to keep my family afloat, that even though I know what it takes to write full time, I have not figured out the formula to give myself that time and permission to follow this path fully. I have to work hour to hour, by the dollar. I can’t seem to take the lid off my life.

  • Comedy – symbolize your ability to see, the comedy in the tragedy of life, and to find the tragedy in the comedy, which is the mark of genius. 


I told you Kelly Sullivan Walden was terrific. I think this last one nailed it because I looked at “actor and Woody” (which there was none) and feel that comedy is where my heart always, always was. I am writing what interested me as a child in other journals and I haven’t yet gotten to how much laughter and comedy have meant to me all my life; everything from being tickled to laughing at my brother’s jokes and puns, the shows I watched with my mother, the laughter I was able to conjure to the point of friends being red in the face and out of breath from laughing so much at my take on the world or a particular situation. The tragedy is the letting go of my comedy; and the comedy is that all I see is tragedy in this bleakness, instead of the opportunity to laugh at my stupid, senseless situation and the lessons I’d failed to see that created it. I have always loved making others laugh, but now I’m so morose that I can’t even make myself laugh. 

The movie unfolded on plain, white walls. I am Woody, feeling sorry for myself, complaining, finding the humor in existence by unable to laugh at or with it. I am fighting my own war. I’ve got a thousand monkeys on my bed, but it’s the bed I’ve made for myself. 

It was a dream that was memorable and fun, but deeply instructive. Just writing about it here, after giving it the distance of a couple months, I am able to see what it meant and what I must do with the information.

Please comment below if you have any insights of your own. And check out the book, The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century by Kelly Sullivan Walden, it is a great, daily resource. Dream on…


woody-allen-and-his-olympiaI am inviting you, Dear Reader, to Decode this dream from 11/11/12. I’ll give you the dream in its entirety. Use whatever clues and dictionaries you may deem necessary. Then, write back here with your interpretations and any background questions you may have for me. Thanks.


I am watching Woody Allen outtakes from movies I had never seen. It is a private screening for D and I and perhaps one other person.  The screens are set up like long billboard panels on the walls around the room. The scenes are of Woody walking on a beach in Army fatigues. The uniform is brown, the helmet is green, the blue sea is behind him as he walks on the sand. It is  newsreel-like, aged footage. Woody is the only one in the scene and he simply walks along the beach with his head down. There is no sound.

We move to an adjacent room. This room too is plain, with a glossy white floor to ceiling finish.

Against the wall is a single twin bed. On the bed is a doll-sized, real life, Woody Allen who lays face down complaining. because he can’t manage to get his helmet off. He is about a foot tall and reminds me of a pupply. His is like a loaf of bread, or a sack of putty. He sitill wears his Army uniform, all green fatigues now and green helmet.

I bend down and help him unfasten his helmet. I undo a single, white velcro strip that is his chinstrap.

He just continues his complaining banter. I am amazed by his tiny, but more like a pudgy, puppy stature, rather than thin and doll-like. It is  really Woody Allen, walking and talking in the center of this bed. He says nothing notable, nor really sensible.


On the center of the bed next to him is a small, clear, Mason jar with the lid askew. D is close behind me and I’m wondering if she is as amazed by all this as I am; but she’s distracted by whatever she’s doing. I ask her questions but she doesn’t answer. In the other room I kissed her but she panned it, so I say to myself that I’m just going to keep trying to kiss her whether she kesses me back or not.

In  this room I feel her distance, but again feel I’ll keep trying and loving her even though she doesn’t return it.

I look to the bed and the jar. A small, wiry thing, climbs out. It looks like it’s made of pipe cleaners, all fuzzy and bendable. It is a real spider monkey. it jumps off the lid to the bed and another follws it. Again, I’m entertained and intrigued because as I watch, more seem to grow out of nowhere and fill the jar like the clown circus taxi where numerous monkeys keep climbing out from a jar too small to hold them all. They are many and like children, just want to jump on the bed and play. I say to myself, “no more monkeys jumping on the bed.” as I watch them, amused.


I tell D not to pick them up, but like everything else, she won’t listen to me and begins to cuddle them, saying how cute they are. I warn her that they’ll climb into her coat and hide because, again they grew in number, but she disregards me completely. She has these small monkeys all over her.

I walk out the opposite side of the room down a white hallway. There is dog crap and water from kids who’ve come from the hotel pool, all over the lobby floor and halls. I’m trying to get to the lobby and out of this place. I feel the dog crap is an experiment for the kids to learn how to care for puppies, and they’re doing a terrible job.


A black custodian in all white clothes is in the hall. I’m trying to get D to listen to me so we can find our way out, but she’s in another world.

I walk through a white door that turns into 3 doors, folding into itself, like a tri-fold envelope, and feel its’ a terribly dangerous exit in case of a fire or emergency.

I’m calling to D and she calls back to me to me but goes off in anther direction.


Dreams are gold “minds”




AT 5 A.M.








Dreams are the most creative, most personal, most intellectual thing we do daily. Vivid images float hurriedly back to the corners of your mind as the morning alarm rings or sings its wake up message.

You were flying.

You were swimming effortlessly under water, talking with mermaids.

You scored a touchdown with such unbelievable finesse and grace it’s hard to believe it was you who threw and caught the pass.

Madonna was just whispering in your ear as you felt the wet, breathy kiss and then heard her promise she’d be “back in a second.”

You are a cat, landing always on your feet.

You speak with relatives long dead without discretion, able to ask them anything you imagine.

You no longer think about walking through walls, for as soon as the thought occurs, the action has happened.

Music composes itself as you see the notes fall to the staff, hearing he melody to the beat, completely.

Nothing can look better or worse than a dream can make it. A ferocious dog bites at your heels, nips at your calves as you feel his heated breath even nearer to the flesh on your ankles. You stop. Confront him. He heels and as he sinks to his butt his face is the bosses. You ask what he wants and he says, “to have you go faster,” then drops a rolled paper at your feet where, upon reading it, you see your new contract and a raise in bold letters.

We dismiss dreams, forget them easily, but work so hard at our lives while we are awake that we barely have time to dream; so we lose the perspective our most deep knowing can teach us. Our psyche knows where we’ve been but more importantly, where we’re going. The time it takes to list an image upon awakening is the distance to that morning leak, a matter of seconds.

We can scratch our heads all day over issues in our minds, when simply, a little introspection from dream clues can set us on a winning course where the results are already premeditated and the steps laid out.



I’ve been an avid dreamer for all of my life. The best tool I can recommend for dreamwork is a sharpened memory. I still recall dreams from my childhood; I recall dreams from certain places I’d been, states, countries, vacations, states of mind; so the best advice and most valuable tool for your personal Dream work is a good memory.


How do you begin to strengthen your memory? By telling yourself you have a good one already. By far, the most popular excuse I hear from people who don’t remember dreams is, “I don’t remember, “I don’t have a good memory.”

 You must, must, must affirm and believe, “I remember my dreams. I recall them upon awakening. I record my dreams when I awaken. I have an excellent recall of my dreams.”  That’s it. That’s the exercise, every night as you drift into sleep, “I recall and record my dreams when I awake.”


Once you have a dream in hand, you can use any number of encyclopedic books on symbols, imagery, dream meaning, interpretations, definitions, evaluations; but the quick source I use daily is Kelly Sullivan Waldens’ “I Had The Strangest Dream. The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century.” It is a quick reference with thoughtful explanations to over 3000 common themes and symbols. After recording your impressions, use a different colored pen, circle the key characters, situations, feelings or images of your dream, and surf through the book to gain insights. It’s the best quick reference tool from literally hundreds of the Dream Dictionaries I’ve tried through the years. It’s topical, specific, often humorous and succinct without being short on information.


The more in-depth tool that completely blows the hat off any other reference books is, Strephon Kaplan-Williams; “Dream Cards Understand Your Dreams and Enrich Your Life.” The depth of understanding you can gain with any one symbol is terrific. The insight gained by using the whole deck as explained in its process is simply astronomical. You can work for weeks on one dream with just this “Dream Card” deck as your tool. It is alarmingly accurate, insightful, cerebral and enlightening.


Often, the meaning of a dream presents itself, even as I record it. It’s as if I only needed to see something in black and white to recognize the lesson. Other times, I’ll first comb through Walden’s book, circle the key components and get that instant “aha” moment when the senses start stitching together the story. If I have a character, a color, a setting or a vehicle, I can get a pretty good understanding of where I’m at in waking life from this book. If I hold a combination of elements, I can often see the big picture of why the dream came to me, and the message I needed to know.

But when I feel it’s a really critical dream, which is often the toughest to reveal its meaning, I’ll go through Walden’s first, then get into the meaning and key evaluation using Williams’ as my guide to really flesh out all the meaning possible from the singular dream.


Some dreams will play a game with the dreamer, and make you work hard at certain elements, which just won’t make sense no matter how many books you look into, or hours spent in contemplation. I’ve discovered that like a master puzzle maker, it sometimes seems the better I become at deciphering dreams, the tougher the mind makes them to be revealed. Here, I can recommend “Man And His Symbols” by Carl Jung; or Joseph Campbell’s “The Power of Myth.” or even some of the Carlos Castaneda books. Though these won’t give direct explanations of dreams, reading them may help unhinge a meaning that lays dormant in some dark corner of your psyche, too shy to be brought out into the light of day.



I am driving, walking, at times flying along, but all without vehicles. I see the mountains and the hills and all the trees and grasses between. They are painted as if with chalk. The colors are varied and beautiful, absolutely breathtaking, magnificent. As soon as I point one out, another beautiful one comes into view.

I tell the people around me about them, but at first no one believes me no one else can see them. I am too awed by the magnificence of it all, the whole spectacle, that I don’t bother trying to convince them. I keep pointing things out and soon one person, then another and another sees and finally believes. Debi was the first one able to see them.

Everything has a surrealistic, supernatural color to it. It seems like we’re ascending the mountains from the valley, at times real close and at other times displaying the whole panorama as if from above or from an airplane.

I am totally into each color change I see, especially the purples in the rocks and the mountains. Right next to a purple section is a deep green, and next to that , a bright yellow.

It is breathtaking and completely safe, as if I’m being transported by a higher source.

DREAM BIG (the steps are small)

Jackson Pollack said this to me on August 2, 1998.

My wife was playing croquet or something on a plantation in Savannah. It was some type of garden party.

The names Adelle and Adrian were there, either as characters or offering the information.

There were also an Arthur and an Archer who said – or perhaps, it was Jackson Pollack himself, I think it was, said, “Tell Tom, Dream Big, the stairs (steps) are small.”

It was important that I get the message. It was told directly to her.

This was right in the middle of my “110 Dreams in 101 Days” phase and I did  not count it as one of the dreams at the time; for a reason now I cannot recall.

But this is how important dreams and their messages are to me. I take everything to heart, especially when they come so directly and pointedly with intention for me to pay attention.

My initial interpretation would be to see that a painter whom I admired, told my wife, a muse, to make sure I dream big enough at this stage in my life. Having come from an unconventional painter, I assume I should do an unconventional project, in a unique way.

The steps/stairs were literal, one step at a time, and small steps. I was in the middle of a huge tumultuous time in my life. My parents had both passed away; I lost my job of 20 years and was seeking a new one; I quit drinking; I removed myself from my family who had squabbles about the estate that I didn’t want anything to do with, so at this point I had not been speaking to them for two years; I was facing a meltdown with all this loss about me, no family except my dear wife and precious sons who stood by me and defended me unconditionally; and the turmoil, any aspect of it, was new to me. I had never dealt with death, separation, alcoholism, unemployment, a sense of not belonging anywhere to anything or anyone, and suddenly I had to face every one of them head on, undeniably, inescapably. I had 3 sons, the latest just 3 years old and my whole past seemed to be wiped out, while my whole future was vague, shaky and unknown, to say the least.

So the statement to “dream big,” was telling me to get way out of my comfort zone, further than I’d ever imagined, just like the situation I was in; and deal with the largeness of it in “small steps” or “stairs” as in moving upward, carefully.

But this is not even pointing out the other aspects of the dream; my wife, the garden party in Savannah, croquet, and the whole list of characters with names all beginning with A; as if to point out steps like an alphabet, simplified, chronological and each special and unique.

I never really studied Pollack either, but a very close friend of mine who painted in his style, died young from cirrhosis of the liver in trying to emulate the artist’s life, leaving me with a painting in my office titled, “Midnight Funk Association.” A connection, but leading me nowhere.

Again, this is the way I do interpretations, in stages, with my initial reactions coming first; then through the use of tools, I guide the meaning to an amicable conclusion by looking at location, characters, messages, feeling tone, etc.

I hope to show you dear readers how to break down dreams and how they uncover aspects of my life through their analysis. I would enjoy your comments, input and interpretations on any of these topics.

The Dream Cafe

There is a surrealistic painting seen on t-shirts and mugs and posters from the late 80’s which shows a group of famous characters seated at a diner counter enjoying the lazy afternoon of a California day. James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley,  and a varied mix of other characters populate ths cafe, hanging out as if it wee heaven’s waiting room. Some versions have all rock stars, another, movie stars; but  you realize it’s a place in the artist’s imagaination where most everyone would like to drop in.

This is what a dream is to me, a surrealistic cafe where I never know whom I’ll run into, what I’ll say, or what profound lesson they may offer me. Surrealism itself comes from dreams; the disjointed stories, the many rooms within a scene, the odd characters, the fantastic abilities and the bending of time are all highlights of the art of surrealism which was initially inspired by the unreal quality of dreams.

Not all dreams have these fantastic characters from history or movies, most are populated by the people we live with, work with, know, love, hate, avoid or are drawn to; but when these fantasy figures do prevail in  a dream, a very special attention should be paid to them.

When I was writing screenplays and deeply involved in movies, I used to dream of Robert Redford. I wanted to attend Sundance, learn film, write, direct, etc. from the Sundance Kid himself. In a dream, I was following him on a paper route in my childhood neighborhood and he’d turned to me, after 3 or 4 earlier encounters, and said to me, “just deliver the paper.” He meant, write the script, put it in print, and solicit it to as many customers as you can, again and again and again. I believe this was also telling me to stop my childish approach of staying close to my home, not venturing out,  settling for the small change of everyday news. I never dreamt of him after that. His message was plain and blunt, “deliver the paper.”

I have had encounters with people that were so vivid and real that I almost felt I could call them that morning to discuss the scene we’d just shared. I’ve gotten workout moves from Arnold, music inspiration from Townshend, writing advice from Kerouac, and sexual encounters with Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Simpson and other starlets I’ve admired. Throughout the years I’ve had many famous meetings, from President Clinton to Madonna, who flashed me her pink panties as I ushered her out of a limo, telling me  I “was in the pink,” of a particular issue at that time in my life.This is just one of the many reasons I watch my dreams every night – pure entertainment that often leaves a lasting impression, and more often than not, a lesson.

As much as I’ve worked on directing or “incubating” dreams to get specific answers to current issues, I’d never felt I got a direct response by asking specific questions, but rather, got specific answers to issues I hadn’t realized were dominant. I’ve learned that no matter how odd the answer seems, or how obtuse, it really is the answer you’re looking for, you just have to figure out the symbolism and associations as they apply to your own life.


110 dreams in 99 days





SCHOPENHAUER, IN HIS SPLENDID ESSAY CALLED ” an apparent intention in the fate of an individual,” POINTS OUT THAT WHEN YOU REACH AN ADVANCED AGE AND LOOK BACK OVER YOUR LIFETIME, IT CAN SEEM TO HAVE HAD A CONSISTENT ORDER AND PLAN, AS THOUGH COMPOSED BY SOME NOVELIST.  Events that when they occurred had seemed accidental and of little moment turn out to have been indispensable factors in the compositon of a consistent plot.  so who composed that plot?  Schopenhauer suggests that just as your dreams are composed by an aspect of yourself of which your consciousness is unaware, so, too, your whole life is composed by the will within you.  And just as people whom you will have met APPARENTLY by mere chance became leading agents in the structuring of your life, so, too, will you have served unknowingly as an agent, giving meaning to the lives of others.  The whole thing gears together like one big symphony, with EVERYTHING unconsciously structuring everything else.  And schopenhauer concludes that it is as though our lives were the features of the one great dream of a single dreamer in which all the dream characters dream, too,  so that EVERYTHING links to everything else, moved by the one will to life which is the universal will in nature.

joseph campbell-the power of myth


Of course you can never make anything that will last forever.  That’s one of the unfair rules in the game of life.  But this week you will most likely start work on an opus that will ultimately last for a long, long time.  Choose your masterpiece wisely, O Creator.  Try to be motivated not by greed or the desire to make an impression, but by a yearning to give God Pleasure.  I predict that when the first human settlements are built on the moon some years hence, you’ll still be nourished by – or stuck with – the fruits of the seeds you plant now.

Dream #1 – Wednesday May 6, 1998


I take my brother-in-law S. and a friend to this special lake.  it reminds me of one of the Metroparks,first it seems older, like Stony Creek and the way it’s laid out with numerous small picnic areas and beaches.

The setup for this dream comes from a very comfortable time in my life.  I’m not young though it’s no place I’ve ever been,  At or old, but I haven’t really been to any Metropark in at least 10 years. Stony Creek was a way of life for a solid 10-11 years of my life.  I lived for the beach. 

We pass the opening trail and the park reveals into three huge, beautiful, sparkling blue pools, all linked to supposedly be the GM symbol.   I wonder, “what will be in the third circle?”

adored the sun and the flesh and the muscles and the beer.  I spent many, many days languidly lounging, literally.  I could go for days in a row, first sun to sundown.  I had rode bikes,much more than I had ever been at work (or anywhere else.)

As I look closer I see the vague outlines of the G and then the M.I’m carrying the round bar from my basement on this trail.  The whole family as well as other friends are there at various times.  It is early A.M.

The beach represents a laid back warmth – fun in the sun.  I lay; in the sun all over the world, from Cannes to Nice to Monte Carlo to Maui, Atlanta, Sarasota, Virginia and Myrtle Beach, Lake Michigan to Slippery Rock, Arizona.   I love the sound of the sea.

We walk down the trail next to these three equally-sized, yet differently-shaped ponds of blue water.  It was almost as blue as the water around Maui, but more turquoise.Absolutely beautiful!

S. is with me because he is all I have as a brother, a real one.  We walk together with a third stranger, a trinity of present, past and future-unknown. The various pools are my pools of thought/disciplines, talent pools, gene pool.  The General Motors logo, right now, has me puzzled.  Maybe by the end of this evaluation I’ll have that figured out.  The GM might stand so large because it currently keeps me pretty well employed. It is my money pool.  I’m stuck, also, on why the third section of it, has three letters

To my left is the changing area.  It is a few shelves and benches, out in the open.  We change as soon as we get there and I hurry to pull on pants because I notice my butt stinks. I put my stuff on a shelf behind us.We have to hurry to catch a boat to various activities.  Some people go out to snorkel, some to surf of swim – whatever. A group of old ladies sit in this “box-on-its-side” kind of ferry which (IDL). takes everyone from here to the big boat.  It has a pool liner lining, light blue plastic.

I’m not clear on the outline of the letters just as I’m not sure of where GM fits into my life.  I believe the three pools should really be the three things I’m heavily involved in – video, training and writing, (in opposite order of importance).  Those represent the three key areas –strengths – of my personal life.  Technical writing is present but it’s outlook is fuzzy.

We haven’t chosen an activity.  The women – Barb, Maureen, someone else, bring pastries of all types all made with greenish blue frosting.  It’s easily clear the girls are all already drunk, giggling, slurring and falling over.  The cakes seem to be spiced too as someone takes a bite of one right off the platter.  I decide not to have any.We are inside watching mountain bikers and rollerbladers edge to this steep cliff on TV.

The bar is self-explanatory; it’s the burden of my past, a giant anchor which I keep choosing to drag around.  The alcohol of my father is heavy, burdensome; and also all the toxic crap I feel I must keep carting around on my karma. Early A.M. is the dawn of a new day.  I am the leader, though it’s evident my shit does stink, much as it did- I now recall,  as a young child growing up.  the nudity is a comfort level, a revealing, a sense of freedom, pride, self-confidence as well as the simile that something lies rotten beneath.  “Blow it out your ass” as my father would say.  While Mom always said, “Self-praise stinks.” 

It is a large screen with almost a three-dimensional feel to the picture.  The rock and cliffs are very realistic and dominate the feel of the dream frame.  It’s an activity that has not yet been set up, staked out, chartered.  But they are going for it anyway, feeling their way down this cliff before attempting to ride down it.  They have a huge, wide-framed trailer painted purple and made of wood which one guy tows behind him on a bicycle.  I say something like, “how’d you like to tow that around?”

The pools are an important trinity.  That they are blue reveals the depth of their truth.They could stand for SST, for father, son, spirit; for father, son, brother; but their similarity is important because it shows the natural purity of 3 aspects of my life – body, mind, spirit.  It could mean past, present, and of course, fuzzy future.  GM could be Good Man!  It could be Giant Muscles! Who knows? It could be God Made!

The people I’m with keep changing. I tell S. at one time, “You’d never find a place like this in Kalamazoo.”  Though I’m with groups of friends I’m always alone, not a part of them. I don’t seem to mind but I’m never doing what everyone else is, though I’m right next  them.

I must “change” from the “anal” stinker I’ve been.  Sure, I’m proud of my body, sure of my nature, but something is coming up rotten from behind.  Being with S. is important toward my bodybuilding/fitness training with people.  S. was my first client.  I led him from the skinny kid he was. 

            At this time in May my determination was focused on putting together a weight program for the high school. 

            The boat I must hurry to catch is my ticket from the mundane.  I must immerse myself in the water sports.  The box/boat represents my float tank, often referred to and associated with a “think tank”, but also an “isolation” or “deprivation” tank too.  It is on its side, spilled, not in the form it was made for but being used now as a simple transport for old ladies – old ideas – again, a spilled box populated with the past instead of possibility.  My thinking is off, tipped, and my ideas are running out the side.

            The women are my wife’s friends, but they’ve long since lost their appeal to me because they may be sweet like pastries but they’re no longer tarts which make my mouth water.  The food choice, the drunkenness, no longer appeal to me either.  I want non.  The slovenly habit of eating off the plate shows how everything is a given in their lives, but something I don’t care for.

EValuation:  (IN ITS ENTIRETY)

            The setup for this dream comes from a very comfortable time in my life.  I’m not young or old, but I haven’t really been to any Metropark in at least 10 years. 

            Stony Creek was a way of life for a solid 10-11 years of my life.  I lived for the beach.  I adored the sun and the flesh and the muscles and the beer.  I spent many, many days languidly lounging, literally.  I could go for days in a row, first sun to sundown.  I had rode bikes, lounging, literally.  I could go for days in a row, first sun to sundown.  I had rode bikes,

much more than I had ever been at work (or anywhere else.)

            The beach represents a laid back warmth – fun in the sun.  I lay; in the sun all over the world, from Cannes to Nice to Monte Carlo to Maui, Atlanta, Sarasota, Virginia and Myrtle Beach, Lake Michigan to Slippery Rock, Arizona.   I love the sound of the sea.

            Steve is with me because he is all I have as a brother, a real one.  We walk together with a third stranger, a trinity of present, past and future-unknown.  (This far and I’m still in the opening paragraph!)

            The various pools are my pools of thought/disciplines, talent pools, gene pool.  The General Motors logo, right now, has me puzzled.  Maybe by the end of this evaluation I’ll have that figured out.  The GM might stand so large because it currently keeps me pretty well employed. It is my money pool.  I’m stuck, also, on why the third section of it, has three letters (IDL).  I’m not clear on the outline of the letters just as I’m not sure of where GM fits into my life.  I believe the three pools should really be the three things I’m heavily involved in – video, training and writing, (in opposite order of importance).  Those represent the three key areas – strengths – of my personal life.  Technical writing is present but it’s outlook is fuzzy.

            The bar is self-explanatory; it’s the burden of my past, a giant anchor which I keep choosing to drag around.  The alcohol of my father is heavy, burdensome; and also all the toxic crap I feel I must keep carting around on my karma. 

            Early A.M. is the dawn of a new day.  I am the leader, though it’s evident my shit does stink, much as it did- I now recall,  as a young child growing up.  the nudity is a comfort level, a revealing, a sense of freedom, pride, self-confidence as well as the simile that something lies rotten beneath.  “Blow it out your ass” as my father would say.  While Mom always said, “Self-praise stinks.” 

            The pools are an important trinity.  That they are blue reveals the depth of their truth.  They could stand for SST, for father, son, spirit; for father, son, brother; but their similarity is important because it shows the natural purity of 3 aspects of my life – body, mind, spirit.  It could mean past, present, and of course, fuzzy future.  GM could be Good Man!  It could be Giant Muscles! Who knows? It could be God Made!

            I must “change” from the “anal” stinker I’ve been.  Sure, I’m proud of my body, sure of my nature, but something is coming up rotten from behind.  Being with Steve is important toward my bodybuilding/fitness training with people.  Steve was my first client.  I led him from the skinny kid he was. 

            At this time in May my determination was focused on putting together a weight program for the high school. 

            The boat I must hurry to catch is my ticket from the mundane.  I must immerse myself in the water sports.  The box/boat represents my float tank, often referred to and associated with a “think tank”, but also an “isolation” or “deprivation” tank too.  It is on its side, spilled, not in the form it was made for but being used now as a simple transport for old ladies – old ideas – again, a spilled box populated with the past instead of possibility.  My thinking is off, tipped, and my ideas are running out the side.

            The women are my wife’s friends, but they’ve long since lost their appeal to me because they may be sweet like pastries but they’re no longer tarts which make my mouth water.  The food choice, the drunkenness, no longer appeal to me either.  I want none.  The slovenly habit of eating off the plate shows how everything is a given in their lives, but something I don’t care for.